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As a services organization, LinkVisum is driven by helping our customers achieve their goals and show measurable results. See how we’ve partnered with our clients to help them overcome challenges, drive growth, and thrive.

LinkVisum employees have a group discussion

Department of Transportation (DOT)

DOT logo

OST-M sought a contractor to facilitate strategic planning and conduct analysis to drive focus, improve operations, and guide its components and approximately 300 staff...

A LinkVisum employee works at his laptop

Department of Commernce

FirstNet logo

FirstNet Authority sought to build flexible and responsive human capital support system to meet the needs of the organization, overcome operational challenges, and...

LinkVisum consultants have a discussion

Federal Occiptational Health (FOH)

Federal Occupational Health logo

The Federal Occupational Health (FOH), Behavioral Health Services (BHS) Organizational Development and Leadership (ODL) team identified a need to improve...


Department of Justice (DOJ)

DOJ logo

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Community Relations Services (CRS) engaged LinkVisum to support CRS in strategic planning, communications, training...

LinkVisum consultants have a discussion

Naval District Washington

Department of the Navy logo

To reduce energy consumption, the Department of the Naval (DoN) made significant investments in energy-saving technology for buildings and utlities. The Naval...

LinkVisum employees have a group discussion

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)

PHMSA logo

LinkVisum has provided human capital and workforce planning services to the Department of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration...

LinkVisum employees participate in an icebreaker

Health Resource and Services Administration (HRSA) 

HRSA logo

The activities to improve performance within OAMP included ensuring OAMP and HRSA offices understand the procurement process; enhancing performance...

LinkVisum employees work together at a company event

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

USDA logo

PSD required broad support in managing software system verification and validation activities, website updates, training needs and development activities, and...

LinkVisum colleages have a discussion

Small Business Administration (SBA)


LinkVisum performed an in-depth, programmatic assessment of, and organized our team around, the GCBD small business set-aside programs for the SBA.

LinkVisum employees have a group discussion

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

HHS logo

The LinkVisum team leveraged its proprietary tools and depth of experience to lead focus groups and a series of interviews with senior leaders to gain insight into the...

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