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U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), Office of the Secretary (OST)

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), Office of the Secretary, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration (OST-M) provides critical mission support services to the DOT.

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LinkVisum colleagues working together

“LinkVisum has a team of consummate professionals that go above and beyond to ensure the client is happy. My office has worked with them on numerous projects and we have always been highly satisfied.”


Syreta Brooks, Contract Officer, Department of Transportation, OST


OST-M sought a contractor to facilitate strategic planning and conduct analysis to drive focus, improve operations, and guide its components and approximately 300 staff members in defining shared goals and providing excellent customer service.

Designed and Facilitated Courses

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Streamlined Acquisitions and Personnel Security

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Developed and Implemented OST-M’s Strategic Plan

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LinkVisum facilitated an iterative and highly inclusive process to develop the OST-M strategic plan with leadership, employees, and a wide range of stakeholders. Our team conducted focus groups throughout the strategic planning process to solicit feedback and gain OST-M buy-in to the initial strategic plan. Our Lean Six Sigma-certified staff developed an approach and plan to collect information from process owners and subject matter experts; develop high-level process flows; and identify findings such as bottlenecks, challenges, and areas for improvement. Using LinkVisum’s benchmarking process, our team conducted an assessment of several administrative functions in various areas, including structure, strategy, and customer service, to identify innovative practices and initiatives for improving operations and diversity and inclusion practices at OST-M.

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LinkVisum implemented a New Strategic Plan. Based on our research and benchmarking process, we:


  • Developed and implemented OST-M’s strategic plan that defined the mission, vision, values, strategic objectives, strategies, and specific actions for three fiscal years


  • Streamlined acquisitions, personnel security, and communications processes


  • Designed and facilitated courses on business communications, project management, customer service, creating a culture of engagement, leading change, and strategic partnerships


  • Created an OST-M-wide customer satisfaction tool and process to measure customer satisfaction, capture and identify issues, and support continuous improvement

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For the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration, we facilitated an iterative and highly inclusive process for strategic planning; assessed and improved communication processes between acquisitions, personnel security, and physical security functions and offices; conducted benchmarking of federal administrative functions; developed a customer satisfaction tool; supported action planning; assessed executive/SES positions for benchmarks of diversity and inclusion; and designed, developed and facilitated courses on business communications, project management, customer service, creating a culture of engagement, leading change and strategic partnerships.

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